(1) SMOKE DENSITY TEST Standard Specification Test Equipment Test Procedure


Smoke Density Chamber With Specimen Holder, ignition system and photometric  system complete The Test Sample is exposed to flame at 40 psi pressure for 4 minute the light absorption date are plotted on graph as time versus smoke density(%)
(2) OXYGEN INDEX TEST/TEMPERATURE INDEX TEST Standard Specification Test Equipment Test Procedure
ASTM D 2863 Flammability unit with digital oxygen index recorder. The sample 7 to 15 cm long 6.5 + 0.5 mm wide thick in a minimum concentration of oxygen on a N2 + O2 mixture just support candle like burning at room temperature
(3) HCL (HALOGEN ACID GAS) TEST Standard Specification Test Equipment Test Procedure
IEC-754 PT. 1 Tabular furnace and uniform 110 + 5 mm/min flow rate air flow meter. 0.5-1.0 gram of the material from the cable sheth is burnt in ceramic tube inside a tubular furnace at 800 oC. The volume of corrosive gases (HCI) present in the combustion products are analyses chemically.
(a) Swedish chimney method
Standard Specification Test Equipment Test Procedure
SS 424-14-75 Class F3 Vertical steel tube with rectangular openings, lid and conical tray for ignition fluid Burning flame from a measured quantity of ehana is applied on the 850 mm long cable for a calculated time and the under composed length from the top is measured.
(b) Grouped vertical cables under fire condition.
Standard Specification Test Equipment Test Procedure
IEEE -383 Vertical tray with ladder arrangement ribbion gas burner and special temperature indicator. The layer of cable mounted on the vertical tray is subjected to flame from a ribbon gas burner for a period of 20 minutes and then shut off. The flame should not propagate and burn the total height of eight feet long cables